- Checkups & Cleanings
- Oral Cancer Screenings
- Night Guards for TMJ / Bruxism
- Children’s Dentistry
- Emergency Dentistry

Checkups & Cleanings
Regular dental cleanings and exams play an essential role in your oral health. We recommend visiting our office every six months for a comprehensive exam and cleaning. These visits are important for both children and adults alike and at Advance Dental we love serving your entire family. Cleanings remove harmful bacteria and plaque that can cause tooth and gum problems, while regular examinations help identify emerging oral health problems to prevent them from worsening or causing more serious harm.

Oral Cancer Screenings
Early detection of oral cancer can more than double a patient’s chance of survival. That is why Dr Lauren Lewellen believes routine and frequent oral cancer screenings are essential. These screenings are completed at each comprehensive exam appointment.

TMJ / Bruxism
Bruxism (teeth grinding) is a common, yet harmful condition that can damage teethand cause pain. Overtime this condition can shorten or fracture teeth. AdvanceDental provides TMJ examinations and treatment plans including nightguard therapies to help protect a patient’s teeth from this condition.

Children’s Dentistry
Advance Dental is a comprehensive family practice and welcomes all ages. Through prevention and education, working with parents and children our goal is to set a foundation of dental health from a very early age.
First Dental Appointment
The American Dental Association recommends your child’s first dental visit byage one. This allows your child to become accustomed to a new environment early and is the first building block to dental procedures. At the first appointment our friendly dentist will examine your child’s gums and teeth while your child sits in your lap. The goal is to check for correct gum and tooth development, guide you with healthy and practical advice for caring for your child’s teeth and gums at home, and placing fluoride on the erupted teeth to protect against cavities. As your child gets older the appointments become more involved with xrays, cleanings and working directly with your child on brushing and flossing techniques.
Personalized Cavity Prevention Plans
Through routine dental cleanings and appointments we help develop plans and suggest procedures to prevent cavities in your child. These procedures include professional cleanings and home care guidance to identify any areas, habits or problems with your child’s brushing and flossing routine. Dental sealants are offered for prevention of cavities on the chewing surfaces of your child’s teeth. This procedure involves painting a very thin but durable layer of resin (tooth colored) material on the grooves of your child’s chewing teeth.Through sealing the grooves it creates smooth, easy to clean surfaces and decreases the risk of cavities. Fluoride is a quick and effective treatment that hardens enamel and strengthens teeth. It is a non-invasive procedure where fluoride is painted onto clean teeth and left to penetrate for a few hours.
Dental Treatments for Kids
In the event that your child does develop a cavity. We offer numerous options for safe and comfortable care. Dr Lauren Lewellen works to build trust with your child, explaining each part of the procedure to both parent and child and developing a tailored plan for each child. Our children’s amenities include nitrous oxide (laughing gas), individualized TVs, headphones and children’s programs, comfort stuffed animals and blankets, toys, and treasure chest rewards at the end of the appointment. Dr Lewellen also provides a library of children’s dental books focused on calming and explaining dental procedures to children. From Dr Seuss to Magic School Bus, Dr Lauren Lewellen enjoys reading the books with her patients or allowing parents to check them out in order to successfully prepare children for their dental appointments.

Emergency Dentistry
Dental emergencies can be scary, but Advance Dental is here to help with compassionate and quick care. As soon as a dental emergency or injury occurs, contact our dental office immediately. Our dental team can offer helpful advice over the phone and find an appointment for you often the same day. At your appointment our doctor will assess the problem, provide a treatment plan, and when possible perform emergency intervention to help make you more comfortable. Often, you will need to return for a further restorative plan.